What is it:

University of Patras, following the introduction and implementation of various initiatives which aim to achieve the direct link between research and entrepreneurship, has just initiated the co-funding programme «Industrial PhDs – UPatras IQ»

Goal of the programme: To create strong and fruitful links between Academia and Industry with exponential benefits for all parties involved.

The «Industrial PhDs – UPatras IQ» programme:

  • foresees the implementation of industry oriented four-year doctoral projects, with the cooperation of the University of Patras, a private company/industry and a PhD candidate.
  • The total budget of each funded project is 48.000€. (50% funded by the University of Patras  & 50% funded by the collaborating private company/industry).


  • The PhD diploma is awarded by the University of Patras and the Scientific Responsible of the project, being an academic member of the University of Patras, will undertake the supervision of the PhD candidate.

  • The company/industry designates one of its executives as the Scientific Representative who will be responsible for supporting the PhD candidate in his/her scientific research.

  • Τhe PhD candidate cannot be an employee of the company/industry, the University of Patras and /or any other public or private body.

  • For the implementation of the project, the PhD candidate can utilize the infrastructures of both the University of Patras and the company/industry.

  • The intellectual property rights of the doctoral thesis belong to all involved parties as defined in a Private Agreement.


  • The proposals are submitted exclusively by academic members of the University of Patras in collaboration with a company/industry using the electronic form (Eform) of the programme (
  • The proposals can be submitted in Greek or English language
  • The spin off/knowledge-intensive companies receive a bonus on the evaluation.


Project Management Department

Special Account for Research Grants

University Campus, 26 504 Patras
Tel.Num. 2610 99 7893 & 7868

Responsible Department of e-Form of Proposals Submissions

IT Department
